PIP Consultation - closes 22 July 2024

The UK government wants to make changes to PIP.

They have written a document called "Modernising support for independent living: the health and disability green paper"

You can tell the government what you think of these ideas by the end of Monday 22 July 2024. 

You can email: consultation.modernisingsupport@DWP.GOV.UK  

Or you can write to: Disability and Health Support Directorate,  Department for Work and Pensions, Level 2, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA

Or you can fill in an online form with 39 questions: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6fbxllcQF0GsKIDN_ob4wy4AdhV04YtOnxNXoi82ciFUN00yS0lJSTgzOVNaUzI1TVpYRkZGN1RUQSQlQCN0PWcu 

In brief, the government wants to make very big changes to PIP that would make things much worse for disabled people. 

These changes include:

  • Creating a list of qualifying medical conditions (like USA) for PIP
  • You must be diagnosed with one of these conditions by a recognised medical professional to qualify for PIP
  • No more cash payments
  • 'Payment' in one or more of:
    • vouchers 
    • a one-off grant 
    • equipment from a catalogue 
    • claiming back part of your expenditure from DWP

We have held meetings with our members and others, and have drafted some suggested responses that you can adapt and send in to the consultation. This includes:

A. Suggested email response (PDF and Word formats; large print)

B. Suggested online form responses (PDF and Word formats; large print)

C: Slides from our online meetings (PowerPoint, PDF and Word formats; large print)

If you need an alternative format for any of the documents, please email: kayla@gmcdp.com as soon as possible.

Remember, you need to send your response before the consultation closes at the end of Monday 22 July 2024.

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