
The Access Association Seminar 2018


Inclusive Design - are we nearly there yet?

Research by the University of Oxford reveals that half of households referred to foodbanks include a disabled person,

On Thursday 9 August, 5pm, at the Royal Exchange Theatre the Manchester Homelessness Partnership Mental Health Action

​Trafford Centre For Independent Living is closing its doors at the end of July.

As part of GMCDP's Young Disabled People's Forum project, we'll be running our first zine-making session!

GMCDP is hosting a Summer Social on 15 August.

From Manchester Metropolitan University:


Your Support Matters are running for young disabled people or people who may require support living in Bury that are

The first session of a new young disabled people's project

This afternoon (Friday 8th June) TransPennine Express (TPE) released a statement saying they will not be running an i

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust’s (MFT’s) is running a Disabled People’s User Forum which engages with dis

Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People have started a petition about TransPennine Express (TPE- part of Firs

Manchester DPAC are holding their monthly meeting on Thursday June 7th at Manchester Central Library (2pm-3:30pm)

Job vacancy at GMCDP