An online meeting on Zoom, to discuss all things disabled parenting. This online chat is to come together to share our experiences and provide informal support to each other.

For Disabled parents and prospective parents aged 18 and over.

Whether you are currently considering starting a famiily, are awaiting the arrival of a little one, have one or more babies, toddlers, little kids or big kids - this online chat is to come together to share our experiences and provide informal support.

This is a drop-in session, so please come when you can and leave when you need.


You can turn on captions in Zoom. Please let us know if you have other access needs, such as to practice using Zoom in advance, or if you need a BSL interpreter.

GMCDP Membership:

GMCDP is a membership organisation, and our members are at the centre of everything we do. You do not have to be a GMCDP member to attend this event, but you are welcome to join GMCDP for free - you can join here and you will get newsletters roughly every 2 weeks to keep you up to date with what we are doing, and how you can get involved. 

18th May 2024 from 10:30 AM to 12:01 PM
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