Registration is closed for this event
This is a joint session with The Proud Trust Manchester! You do not need to be on the Powerful Together! project to join this meeting but would love to see you at a future event.


Powerful Together! Intersectional Identities

Can I really be disabled & queer?

How do I embrace both of these identities? 

What does it mean to belong to these different communities?


Join us to discuss on:   

Thursday 13th Jan, 12:00pm - 2:00pm (Lunch) 

Online via zoom   


This is a joint gathering with The Proud Trust Manchester!  We will be looking at our intersectional identities. We will be thinking about protected characteristics and how they can present their own barriers and oppressions, but also, how they share some too. This would be a great opportunity to meet their team and find out about a range of opportunities within both TPT and the LGBT Foundation too.  

Please let us know about your access requirements, we will do our upmost to deliver them digitally. 

13th January 2022 from 12:00 PM to  2:00 PM
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