Many disabled people experience hate crime, but there is not enough research that focuses upon individual experiences and understandings. This PhD project puts experience first in order to recognise and challenge people’s everyday experiences of hate and hate crime. Your experiences are crucial to gaining a better understanding of hate crime and how to tackle it.
Research Aims:
- This research aims to gain a better understanding of how disabled people experience and make sense of their experiences of ‘everyday hate’ and ‘hate crime’
- The research puts experience at the very centre as a way of gaining this understanding and making a call for future change
- The research responds to the exclusion of disability from many research projects on hate crime.
- The research also recognises the different aspects of people’s identity, that can be important when people experience hate crime, and why they are targeted.
- The research also aims to explore the different ways that disabled people respond to, and resist these experiences of hate.
• Interested?
Do you self-identify as a disabled person?
Have you experienced any form of hate, or hate crime in relation to your sense of identity? E.g. disability/impairment, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, social status, age, lifestyle preferences.
• What is involved?
You will be asked to take part in two workshops (one soon and the other next year). The workshops would include a small group of disabled people with activities planned to discuss what hate crime means in your everyday lives. We will also share ideas about how we respond to, and challenge experiences of hate.
Some participants will be invited to also make diaries (visual, audio or written) about their everyday experiences of hate. This can include past or present experiences. If you choose to make diaries, you will also take part in 2-3 individual interviews.
If you want to discuss your involvement please get in touch. The research can be flexible to your needs.
• Get in touch
If you have any questions, or would like to get involved, please get in touch!
My name is Leah Burch and I am a PhD student at the University of Leeds. You can contact me in whatever way you prefer:
Telephone: 07375053070
Twitter: @LeahFBurch