Cost of Living Crisis | survey update

In July and August 2022, the Greater Manchester Disabled People's Panel undertook a survey to find out what issues disabled people in Greater Manchester have been facing with the cost-of-living crisis.

Thank you to everyone who completed or shared the survey!

With the support of our members, we have achieved over 1,600 survey responses. The survey had an online format and we have supported people who may be digitally excluded to complete the survey. Individual Panel member organisations have held easy workshops and focus groups which have collated about 80 additional responses from people for whom an on-line survey would be inaccessible.

The Panel will be presenting the results on 20th September to Andy Burnham - Mayor of Greater Manchester, Councillor Amanda Chadderton - GM Portfolio Lead for Equalities, and Councillor Paul Dennett - Portfolio Lead for Homelessness, Healthy Lives and Quality Care.

The Panel will also be hosting a public event in October to present the survey findings to GMCDP members and disabled people in Greater Manchester.

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