GMCDP regularly produces information bulletins, and information sheets on topics we think will be interesting to and useful for disabled people.

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Information and resources from different section of the GMCDP website
Title Description Category

What is Personal Assistance?

What is Personal Assistance?

Information Sheets

Hate Crime – how do I report it?

Many crimes against disabled people go unreported because of confusion over who to report the crime to.


Travel Vouchers – how do I apply for them?

This is often referred to as taxi vouchers. To find out about them go to the Transport for Greater Manchester webpage:


Concessionary Travel Pass – how do I apply for one?

A lot of people refer to these as “bus passes”. For information and application forms for a GM National Concessionary Travel Pass, go to the Transport for Greater Manchester webpage:


Blue Badge – how do I apply for one?

This section provides some links to information on how to apply for a blue badge.  As rules and guidelines differ across Greater Manchester Boroughs, we have also included links to each local council’s blue badge information.


Benefits – help with applying and appealing decisions?

It is harder to get support with completing forms and applying for benefits now, and many organisations that offer support have limited resources.


Benefits - where can I get information?

There are a few organisations which produce fact sheets on a variety of benefits, which are included in this section.

Citizen’s Advice:

